Scientific papers and seminars from HB11 Energy and our collaborators
Scientific Papers
Physics of Plasma: From KMS Fusion to HB11 Energy and Xcimer Energy, a personal 50 year IFE perspective
A historical perspective of the evolution of the private laser fusion industry by Prof. Tom Mehlhorn
Laser and Particles Beams Special Issue – Advances in the Study of Laser-Driven Proton-Boron Fusion
Editorial by D. Batani, D. Margarone, F. Belloni
Laser and Particle Beams Special Issue – Advances In the Study of Laser-Driven Proton-Boron Fusion
Path to Increasing p-B11 Reactivity via ps and ns Lasers
DownloadLaser and Particle Beams: Modeling of High-Energy Particles and Radiation Production for Multi Petawatt Laser Facilities
DownloadLaser and Particle Beams Special Issue – Advances In the Study of Laser-Driven Proton-Boron Fusion
Multiplication Processes in High-Density H-11B Fusion Fuel
DownloadLaser and Particle Beams Special Issue – Advances In the Study of Laser-Driven Proton-Boron Fusion:
Analysis of the p-11B Fusion Scenario with Compensation of the Transfer of Kinetic Energy of Protons and Alpha Particles to the Gas Medium by the Electric Field
DownloadLaser and Particle Beams Special Issue – Advances In the Study of Laser-Driven Proton-Boron Fusion: Particles Detection System with CR-39 Based on Deep Learning
DownloadWhite Paper – The Case for Petawatt Laser Research Infrastructure in Australia
DownloadApplied Sciences: In-Target Proton–Boron Nuclear Fusion Using a PW-Class Laser
HB11 Energy 2019 September, IFSA Conference and ANA Meeting: Pressure of picosecond CPA laser pulses substitute ultrahigh thermal pressures to ignite environmentally clean hydrogen boron fusion
DownloadHB11 Energy 2019 July: First dominating non-thermal pressures by CPA-laser pulses in contrast to billion degree thermal pressures for fusion
DownloadHB11 Energy 2019 May: Environmentally Clean Energy from Laser Boron Fusion using CPA pulses
DownloadHB11 Energy 2019 May, ICMRE Conference: Reducing problem of very high temperatures to ignite fusion by using non-thermal pressures of extreme CPA-laser pulses
DownloadHB11 Energy April 2019: Non-thermal pressures by ultra-extreme CPA-laser pulses generating environmentally clean fusion energy for abundant electricity
DownloadHB11 Energy 2019 February, GSI Report: CPA-Laser Pulses for Non-Thermal Initiation of Laser-Boron-Fusion
HB11 Energy 2018 November, American Nuclear Society: Extreme CPA-Laser Pulses for Environmentally Clean Laser Boron Fusion
DownloadHB11 Energy 2018 October, IAEA Fusion Energy Conference: H-11B Fusion Reaction with Extreme Laser Pulses for Non-LTE Ignition
DownloadHB11 Energy 2018 October: Physics Nobel Prize 2018 supports fight against Climatic Catastrophe
DownloadHB11 Energy 2018 July: Crucial Non-Thermal Ignition for Gaining Electrical Energy from Laser Boron Fusion
DownloadHB11 Energy 2018 February: Summary of scientific developments on Laser Boron Fusion
HB11 Energy 2015 July, Cambridge University: Fusion-energy-using-avalanche-increased-boron-reactions-for-block-ignition-by-ultrahigh-power-picosecond-laser-pulses
Seminar Series
Our Seminar Series covers scientific discussions among industry experts who are developing Laser Boron Fusion for the energy transition. Outcomes from some of these seminars will be published in academic journals.
Prof. Umit B. Demirci, University of Montpellier, France: BH, BNH and BNCH materials
This is part of the Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Dr. Tom Mehlhorn, Lead Theoretician – HB11 Energy, Australia, University of Michigan, USA: From KMS Fusion to HB11 Energy and Xcimer Energy, a 50 Year Inertial Fusion Energy Perspective
This is part of the Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Richard Magee, Sr Director of Physics R&D, TAE Technologies, USA: Measurements of p11B alphas in a magnetically confined plasma
This is part of the Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Prof. Lorenzo Manti, Physics Department, University of Naples, Italy: The proton-boron fusion reaction as a means to improve protontherapy effectiveness: radiobiological rationale, current status and future developments
This is the 14th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Dr. Fabio Belloni, School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, UNSW Sydney, Australia: The physics basis of proton-boron fusion
This is the 13th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Dr. Marcia Regina Dias Rodrigues, Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil & Cyclotron Institute, Texas A&M University: Radioisotopes production using lasers: from basic science to applications
This is the 12th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Zoom Meeting
Dr. Yueng-Kay Martin Peng, ENN Energy Research Institute, China: Spherical Torus p-11B Fusion Plasma Physics Challenges and Opportunities
This is the 11th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Prof. Paata J. Kervalishvili, Georgian Technical University, Georgia: Isotope Effects in Condensed Matter: Some Applications
This is the 10th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Paul Moroz, WA Peritonectomy Service & Curtin University, Australia: Treatment of Liver Cancer Based on Nuclear Hyperthermia
This is the 9th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Fabrizio Consoli, ENEA, Italy: Laser-Initiated 11B(p,α)2α fusion reactions in petawatt high-repetition-rates laser facilities
This is the 8th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns).
Dieter H.H. Hoffmann, Dept. of Laser and Particle Beams, Xi ‘An Jiatong University, China: Recent Results on Proton-11Boron Reaction obtained in Accelerator and Laser-Plasma Experiments
This is the 7th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applications).
Martina Salvadori,Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory, National Institute of Options, Italy: Advanced Time-Of-Flight schemes for ion spectrometry in laser-driven experiments
This is the 6th of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applications).
Pablo Cirrone, INFN – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy: Studies on Proton Boron Fusion Reactions and applications at INFN-LNS
Daniel Molloy, Queen’s University Belfast: In-target Proton-Boron fusion driven using the multi-TW TARANIS Laser System
Alessandro Tentori, CEA, France: Development of Monte Carlo codes “adapted” for laser-matter experiments
Hartmut Ruhl, Marvel Fusion: Short pulse volume ignition
This is the third of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applications).
Edmund Turcu, CLF RAL, UK: New Hydrogen Rich materials for Micro-structured Laser-Targets for Alpha Sources generated by Proton-Boron Fusion
This is the second of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applications).
Alex Robinson, CLF RAL, UK: Intense laser-generated ion beams propagating in plasmas
This is the first of the Energy Seminar Series on Hydrogen-Boron Fusion, organized by HB11 Energy and by the COST Action PROBONO (PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applications).
Prof Ying (Ian) Chen, Dr Qiran Cai, Dr Srikanth Mateti, Deakin University: Boron nanomaterials and their applications
Maria Gatu Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Exploring Stellar Nucleosynthesis and Basic Nuclear Science using High Energy Density plasmas at OMEGA and the NIF
Antonino Picciotto, Micro Nano Facility, Sensors and Devices Centre, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy: Advanced targets for laser driven particle acceleration and nuclear fusion applications
Mike Campbell, University of Rochester: Perspectives on IFE and a development pathway
Dong Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: Effects of the state of boron on the laser-driven proton-boron fusion reaction
Fabrizio Consoli, ENEA Research Centre, Frascati: Diagnostics of proton-boron fusion reactions initiated by laser-matter interaction
Zoom meeting
Yu. K. Kurilenkov: Proton-boron fusion in a compact scheme of plasma oscillatory confinement
Jonathan Peebles, University of Rochester: Creating, measuring and utilizing strong magnetic fields
Noaz Nissim: A discussion on avalanche and stopping power mechanisms in PB11 fusion for power production
Daniele Margarone: Generation of alpha-particle beams at 1 kHz through proton-boron fusion
M.L. Shmatov, Ioffe Institute: Analysis of some assumptions about the high potential importance of avalance proton-boron11 fusion reactions
Paraskevas Lalousis: Multi-fluid plasma physics and the effect of the magnetic field on mass separation of ions in HB11 fusion
Prof. Heinrich Hora, University of New South Wales: Non-thermal ignition of controlled fusion
Zoom meeting