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Privacy Policy


HB11 Energy Holdings Pty Ltd (HB11 Energy) is committed to the protection of your personal privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how HB11 Energy handles your personal information and safeguards your individual privacy.

HB11 Energy abides by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) as set out in Schedule 1 to the Privacy Act 1988 and the SPAM ACT 2003. You can obtain a copy of the APP from the Office of Australian Information Commissioner’s web site at and a copy of the SPAM ACT from the Australian Communications & Media Authority web site at


Personal information collected by HB11 Energy generally consists of your name, address, contact details (including telephone numbers, e-mail address), your gender, your date of birth, your employment details (including your company, job title, industry you work in, products/services you sell, other contacts within your organisation), your interests, our communication history and preferences in terms of how you wish to receive information from HB11 Energy.

This information is collected for the purposes of sending relevant correspondences to you and building long-term client-agency relationships.

HB11 Energy may collect your personal information when you make an inquiry about our services. HB11 Energy may also collect personal information about you from a third party for the purpose of offering our services to you and your organisation.

HB11 Energy also collects information on web site activity to enhance your usage and continually improve our site. This includes information such as the number of users who visit the web site, the date and time of visits, the number of pages viewed, navigation patterns, what country and what systems have used the site and, when entering the HB11 Energy web site from another web site, the address of that web site. “Cookies” are commonly used by web sites on the Internet to achieve these objectives. They are usually placed on your hard drive to recognise and identify your computer. The cookie does not contain any information that personally identifies you and we do not use cookies in order to obtain such information. Your browser should allow you to refuse cookies if you so desire.

This information on its own does not identify an individual but it does provide HB11 Energy with statistics that it can use to analyse and improve our web site and our communications.

HB11 Energy makes all reasonable efforts to give notice via e-Mail to parents of children under the age of 13 when information (e.g. e-Mail addresses or any other information) is collected from their child. Before entering a contest/competition/promotion online, HB11 Energy requires children under the age of 13 to ask a parent for permission. Children under 13 years of age are required to enter a parent’s e-mail address as well. This is done so that HB11 Energy may contact a parent via e-mail to notify him/her that the child has entered a contest/ competition/promotion and to provide the option of removing the child’s e-mail address from the list of entries. HB11 Energy will not use a parent’s e-mail address for any other purpose.

HB11 Energy does not collect information about your political beliefs, your religious beliefs, health information or sexual preferences.


HB11 Energy undertakes not to sell, rent or trade your personal information.

HB11 Energy Marketing will not disclose personal information about you, unless the disclosure is:

  • required by law
  • is authorised by law, or
  • you have consented to our disclosing of the information.

Your personal information is collected for the purposes of sending relevant correspondences to you and building long-term business relationships.


HB11 Energy aims to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To assist with this, please contact us if your details change.


HB11 Energy is committed to keeping your personal information secure and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse or alteration.

We also require our staff and service providers to respect the confidentiality of your personal information. All HB11 Energy staff and contractors are required to sign confidentiality agreements, which extend to client information.

Due to the nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that your personal information will always be secured during transmission or from unauthorised access during storage. However HB11 Energy will always endeavour to protect your personal information from misuse, loss or unauthorised access, and once we receive your transmission, we will undertake our best effort to ensure its security.

Please contact HB11 Energy immediately should you become aware or have reason to believe that there has been any unauthorised use of your personal information.

HB11 Energy stores your personal information in electronic form on a database. This database is secure and can only be accessed by authorised users. Hard copies of personal information may also be kept by HB11 Energy.


You may contact us to amend any of your personal information that is inaccurate or request that your personal information be deleted. We will use reasonable endeavours to amend or delete your records as requested within 7 days of receipt of notice. If applicable, any legal requirement on HB11 Energy to maintain certain records of your personal information shall prevail over any such requests.

If you wish to access the personal information HB11 Energy holds about you, you can contact us. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide a complete list of your personal information within 14 days of receipt of your enquiry. Before HB11 Energy provides you with copies of your personal information, it may be necessary for you to prove your identity.


  • providing access would pose a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of an individual
  • providing access would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals
  • the request for access is frivolous or vexatious
  • the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings between HB11 Energy Marketing and you and the information would not be accessible by the process of discovery in those proceedings
  • providing access would reveal the intentions of the organisation in relation to negotiations with you in such a way as to prejudice those investigations
  • providing access would be unlawful, may prejudice an investigation of possible unlawful activity, may prejudice enforcement of laws or denying access is specifically authorised by law.

If HB11 Energy does not allow you to access your personal information we will provide you with reasons for our decision.


Feel free to contact us about any privacy issue regarding HB11 Energy (see contact details below). You will need to explain your concern and identify yourself so an appropriate person at HB11 Energy can respond accordingly. We will respond as soon as practicable. If you have not received a response within 30 days, or you consider HB11 Energy’s response to be inadequate, you may refer the matter to the Federal Privacy Commissioner. HB11 Energy will make every reasonable effort to resolve your concerns and will maintain a record of each written complaint received.

HB11 Energy will make every reasonable effort to resolve all concerns unless they are deemed frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith.


If you have any queries regarding this Privacy Policy or would like to read, amend or delete any of your personal information please contact us.