The first HB11 Energy experiment for 2023 took place in February at Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan. The Instutute’s LFEX/GEKKO petawatt laser was used to test the new geometry of laser target materials.
Another outcome was to help us to gain a deeper understanding of the mechanism of proton-boron fusion in laser-plasmas and in particular, to study the effects of strong magnetic fields. The LFEX beam was also used to test HB11 fusion reactions within some very novel boron materials, enabled in part by the fuel capabilities HB11 is establishing at Deakin University, and by the partnership with the University of Tsukuba in Japan.
Congratulations to HB11 Energy’s local collaborator Alessio Morace who led the experiment and to our entire experimental team and long list of collaborators shown in this photo from Osaka.

We also thank ILE Osaka and the Short Term Scientific Missions of the PROBONO program Cost Action CA18214 for their support.
We already know there are some very interesting results – the analysis begins!