Day 3 of the 2nd International Workshop on Proton-Boron Fusion featured three of HB11 Energy’s collaborators from Deakin University – Prof. Ian Chen, Dr. Qiran Cai and Dr. Srikanth Mateti. The three scientists shared their experiences with two dimensional materials made from boron – nanosheets and also nanotubes – as well as thin films in applications ranging from hydrogen storage, battery technology and even spinning out a Unicorn company making boron-nitride nanotubes.

They explained that HB11’s fusion fuel is micro-structured and target-designed, ready to be hit with a high power laser. They further expounded that the fuel also needs to be engineered to the nanoscale to enhance laser absorption, have the perfect composition of hydrogen and boron, be easily formed into a laser target, be safe and easy to handle and be ‘mass manufacturable’.

Pics. show HB11 Team Members with other delegates of the 2nd International Workshop on Proton-Boron Fusion, some of the Team enjoying a night out in Catania and our Deakin University collaborators delivering their presentations.
Click here for details of the 2nd International Workshop on Proton-Boron Fusion timetable.